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What are the precautions for gift box packaging design?

Our country has been a “land of etiquette” since ancient times, and pays attention to reciprocity. Therefore, no matter in ancient times or now, gift giving has always existed. Since it is a gift, the gift at this time represents not only the simple items, but also your strength and attitude. High-end and exquisite Shenyang gift box packaging can greatly improve the grade of products. Exquisite gift box design can attract people’s attention. The diversity of gifts also makes the packaging design of gift boxes different. We need to pay attention to the design of Shenyang gift box packaging What questions?
1. Selection of style structure
Take the packaging we have seen, under normal circumstances, they pay more attention to high-end atmosphere, so the design of gift box packaging is mainly based on stability. Designers should consider factors such as the rhythm of the gift box structure, size ratio, and product positioning when conceiving. It can be designed as a combination, portable, drawer, cover, etc. packaging that fits the characteristics of the product.
2. Material selection
Gift giving is a manifestation of a sense of ritual, so the packaging material is generally relatively high-end. When choosing a packaging material, a series of problems that may occur during transportation must be considered, such as protection, waterproof, anti-collision, anti-wear and other factors. , but also take into account environmental factors, and now more emphasis on environmental protection, green and low carbon, so do not choose materials that have an impact on the environment.
3. Packaging style
The packaging style should be determined according to the characteristics and positioning of the product. It is impossible to simply pack a high-end product in a plastic bag, or use super high-end packaging for a cheap product. These are all inappropriate. The effect of the packaging is based on these points: creativity, the old-fashioned gift box packaging will make people lack freshness and no memory point, so the gift box packaging design must be novel, keep up with the trend of the times, and be innovative, which can be derived from trend elements Start by highlighting the creativity and characteristics of gift box packaging. Uniqueness, such as packaging with regional customs is one of the factors that can attract consumers’ attention. Each region has its own unique gift box packaging. This kind of regional gift box packaging is mainly to highlight the characteristics of local ethnic groups or customs. , to give people a unique feeling, and to enhance the packaging recognition, enough to attract consumers’ attention and get consumers’ approval. Interesting, the interesting performance of packaging design increases the interaction between people and products, packaging, and even brands. It is humane, sentimental, and fun. It can not only make the other party feel the intention of the gift giver, but also enhance the presence of the product brand. Increase the probability of secondary marketing.
The development of gift box packaging now not only represents the product itself, but also reflects the heart, so the packaging design must convey this “heart”.

Post time: Feb-06-2023